Game Not Working as Devs Stated

Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:25 pm

Below is a quote from Bethesda's own support material.

The problem is the game is not working this way. If I setup my 1440 monitor at 60Hz the game hard locks the frame rate at 30 FPS as if it is setting iPresentinterval to a value of 2. Yet looking in the INI the value is set to one. Setting the monitor to it's full 144Hz refresh rate gives the same result.

Taking the monitor down to 1080 and setting refresh to 60 Hz the refresh rate locks in correctly and works fine. Setting the refresh to 120 and it locks in 120 and 144 locks in 120 as well. Manually setting the iPresentInterval to 2 with refresh at 120 seems to lock the game at 30Hz again.

The system that is supposed to be in place is obviously broken. I have duplicated these results on 4 different machines. It could be that these where AMD based cards but if that is the case then Bethesda needs to fox what they broke. The systems all work perfectly with any other game in this matter.

Now I understand why the 60 FPS lock is in place, I understand the game engine has very aspects of it's physics tied to this. I am wondering why, instead of a convoluted and overly complicated refresh system, the game was not not hard locked at 60 FPS with an option to turn it off for people that wanted to? This would have been a simpler to use system, easier to code and less likely to break.

My question to the devs is: Is this issue being acknowledged and worked on?

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Trey Johnson
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