Combat would be stealth based, probably sniping?
Not sure but this build would probably focus on settlements and making cash also.
You might want to consider the Idiot Savant perk if you are not going to have a lot intelligence. The less intelligence, the more experience you can get.
This has worked well for my playstyle, and is adaptable to fit different approaches to combat.
Starting SPECIAL; 3/4/3/6/8/2/2
You start with access to all of the builder/crafter perks (except Blacksmith), Rifleman and a big boost to xp gain. Max INT first, then switch between grabbing perks, and raising AGI for Sneak, Action Boy and Ninja, and CHA for larger settlements, cash and more conversation xp.
Could also drop INT to 6, and use those points for AGI, or STR for a melee based character and take Blacksmith instead of Gun Nut, but progression will be slower.
Currently level 50, 4/6/4/11/11/6/5,with Armorer 4, Rifleman 5, Locksmith 3, Cap Collector 3, Local Leader 2, Medic 1, Gun Nut 4, Hacker 3, Scrapper 2, Science 4, Action Boy 2, and Bloody Mess 2. Raking in caps and salvage, top gear.