Just curious to see what other people are doing. Wandering the wasteland can certainly fill up your inventory quick. So aside from the usual stop off and drop off all the junk I have been hauling around I find it helpful every so often to just drop pretty much everything right down to my skivvies and then re-equip myself. I am curious, what are your must haves? If your not setting up for a specific mission but just a little exploration around the commonwealth what do you load out? What are your essentials for food, chems, weapons, etc??? As annoying as it is I have come to realize that I cant keep every frag grenade and mine I have ever collected in my inventory and I am finally starting to come around to realizing that some of the specialized food items actually make sense to keep you eating (and sleeping) on a regular basis but again having an insane number of anything but stimpaks is almost counter productive.