Once you max out heavy weapons and crit perks, it's pretty much an IWIN button. click-boom-loot. In one shot. Especially if you have an instigating affix on it. Legendary glowing deathclaws pee themselves and run screeching like little girl lizards.
Every advantage should come with a disadvantage. For example I gave the minigun decent damage but I also made it weight 60 pounds unmodded, otherwise it would be too good to have.
I played around with my fully modded "Buzzkill" in the glowing sea, but I was a but underwhelmed TBH.
When I got back I trimmed it back to a 3 shot barrel and scope, IMHO the extra weight just isn't worth it.
I have a fire-and-forget Kneecapper missile launcher. There's nothing better than watching a behemoth wallow around on the ground.
Mine ignores 30% of armor which seems super appropriate.
I love my quad tube missile launcher of death dont use it much only for big critters but boy it sure works good
Ye'h. Would be cool to rocket jump with it though... So you don't need to use the Jetpack for some sky-bombing fun.