This is my current character she is at level 57 right now in 5days of game play. The wasteland whisperer and intimidation perks opened up an entirely new aspect of the game. I didn’t take the last rank on these particular perks I don’t really know why I didn’t they just made things seem off after I took them so I reloaded a previous save and liked the build much better. And by level 50 I had 25 thousand caps, no glitching. Please tell me what you think.Fallout 4 People Person Character Build
2. Per+1
3. Per+1
4. Per+1 Total Per=5
5. Fortune finder
6. Fortune Finder Rank-2
7. Cap Collector
8. Animal Friend
9. Attack Dog
10. Wasteland Whisperer
11. Black Widow/ Lady Killer
12. Black Widow/ Lady Killer Rank-2
13. Locksmith
14. Locksmith Rank-2
15. Scrounger
16. Scrounger Rank-2
17. Local leader
18. Local leader Rank-2
19. Inspirational
20. Cap Collector Rank-2
21. Science
22. Science Rank-2
23. Scrapper
24. Scrapper Rank-2
25. Locksmith Rank-3
26. Medic
27. Lone Wander
28. Science Rank-3
29. Lone Wanderer Rank-2
30. Medic Rank-2
31. Medic Rank-3
32. Armorer
33. Black Widow Rank-3
34. Attack Dog Rank-2
35. Animal Friend Rank-2
36. Inspirational Rank-2
37. Animal Friend Rank-3
38. Attack Dog Rank-3
39. Wasteland Whisperer Rank-2
40. Intimidation
41. Intimidation Rank-2
42. Locksmith Rank-4
43. Lone Wanderer Rank-3
44. Cap collector Rank-3
45. Fortune Finder Rank-3
46. Fortune Finder Rank-4
47. Inspirational Rank-3
48. Science Rank-4
49. Scrounger Rank-3
50. Scrounger Rank-4
51. Medic Rank-4
52. Intimidation Rank-3
53. Waste Whisperer Rank-3
54. Armorer Rank-2
55. Armorer Rank-3
56. Armorer Rank-4
57. Gun Nut
58. Gun Nut Rank-2
59. Gun Nut Rank-3
60. Gun Nut Rank-4