scn ReputationAllyModifierbegin GameMode if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # > #) SetAlly PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 0 endif if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # > #) SetAlly PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 1 endif if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # < #) SetEnemy PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 0 endif if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # == #) SetEnemy PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 1 endifend
scn ReputationAllyModifierbegin GameMode if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # > #) SetAlly PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 0 endif if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # > #) SetAlly PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 1 endif if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # < #) SetEnemy PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 0 endif if (GetReputation RepNVGoodsprings # == #) SetEnemy PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 1 endifend
short iRepGS0short iRepGS1float fRepPctGS0float fRepPctGS1begin GameMode if fRepPctGS0 != GetReputationPct RepNVGoodsprings 0 || fRepPctGS1 != GetReputationPct RepNVGoodsprings 1 set fRepPctGS0 to GetReputationPct RepNVGoodsprings 0 set fRepPctGS1 to GetReputationPct RepNVGoodsprings 1 if fRepPctGS0 >= GetGameSetting fReputationThresholdThree set iRepGS0 to 3 elseif fRepPctGS0 >= GetGameSetting fReputationThresholdTwo set iRepGS0 to 2 elseif fRepPctGS0 >= GetGameSetting fReputationThresholdOne set iRepGS0 to 1 elseif iRepGS0 set iRepGS0 to 0 endif if fRepPctGS1 >= GetGameSetting fReputationThresholdThree set iRepGS1 to 3 elseif fRepPctGS1 >= GetGameSetting fReputationThresholdTwo set iRepGS1 to 2 elseif fRepPctGS1 >= GetGameSetting fReputationThresholdOne set iRepGS1 to 1 elseif iRepGS1 set iRepGS1 to 0 endif if iRepGS0 + 2 == iRepGS1 SetAlly PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 1 1 ; Liked/Good Natured = Friend elseif iRepGS0 + 3 == iRepGS1 SetAlly PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction ; Admired = Ally elseif iRepGS0 >= iRepGS1 + 2 SetEnemy PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction ; Hated/Villified/Merciful Thug = Enemy else SetEnemy PlayerFaction GoodspringsFaction 1 1 ; All else = Neutral endif endifend