Beths difficulty system doesn't use "moar hp"
Did you understand that?
Its not 'moar hp"
Lets get on to what it actually is.
Damage Resistance works off of a curve so to speak but the basic premise is this,
Capped DR is 20%
If the DR = the Damage done then the actual damage is 50% of the total stated Damage.
So if DR is 20 and Damage is 20 the actual damage done is 10 damage.
If DR is 10 and Damage is 20 than the actual damage done is 15
If DR is 30 and Damage is 20 than the actual damage done is like 5.
The least amount of actual Damage that 20 Damage Weapon can inflict in any case however is 4 Damage due to 80% DR cap.
Now think about Criticals this is where things change up a lot 500% Perk really makes that 20X5= 100 Damage
In this case 20 DR only soaks like 1/5 of the damage so 80 Damage actual, enough in the early game to one shot a target.
Next is that
Explosive, Poison, Bleeding all have really no Damage Resistance against them.......So the damage done there is always full damage in almost all cases.
Then there is Difficulty Level.
Survival reduces your Damage done by another 50% or 1/2 your damage in addition to what DR did.......So your 4 damage from a 20 Damage weapon becomes 2 Actual Damage....
Your 80 Damage sneak critical is now 40 Damage <---Not enough to one shot in early game unless its in the starter zone with gimped Raiders.
So what I often think about is why did they balance the weapons with Legendary Prefixes and why did they not make DR for so many types of Damage?