So for those of you who know about the game Soma, you'd know how it explores the idea of what consciousness means, and what humanity means, what does it mean to be "human". I won't spoil anything from that game because it's a great game and you really should play it or at least watch a Let's Play of it on YT to see what it's about. Anyways, on this same topic which FO4 seems to explore, albeit in a different perspective, again we could ask the exact same question, what does it mean to be human?
I wanted this to be a general discussion hence no spoilers are going to be posted here. I think despite the issues some people have with the game (story wise, RPG wise etc.), it does present several serious moral dilemmas and I've actually found it exceedingly difficult to determine what is "right". What I do like/dislike about factions end up relate to the way they do things, but if I simply look at their ultimate goals and simply say "the end justify the means", then it's difficult to say who is right, and it seems like all it comes down to is "what it means to be human?". Is it the ability to have free will? Or to anolyze and respond to situations? Is it the ability to have emotions? To be able to have a "memory" of the past? Can "machines" ever become human?