» Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:46 pm
Well ok yea, I'm not taking in the big context of Fallout 4's [censored] world here. When I mean liberals, I mean by the definition of the term as an ideology, and not the modern liberals who feel that all guns should be banned. Even then, not all liberals are like that, modern conservatives and liberals have become very extreme for their sides, so using them as an example isn't exactly the point.
Minutemen don't necessarily want to tax, there's no government to uphold. But they want everyone to do their part, to equally contribute to society.
The BoS to me is extremely populists like in their attitudes, like you said they are more fascists, but that's post-war, their attiudes are very populist-like. If all hell broke loose, populists would possibly act the exact same way. Conservatives value hard work over intelligence, believe that if they try their hardest in life they can succeed, and then use an individual as an example of how it can be done (Elder Maxon) is a perfect example of this. Conservatives nowadays love place Trump as a role model because they believe hard work can get you to the top. Who's to say conservatives wouldn't be the ones to turn to fascism in the way they would govern their societies. Populists are very close to conservatives in their ethical views. I would say the BoS could be one or the other, but since the Institute are the only ones I could see taking on that role fully.
The Railroad is obviously a mention of the Underground Railroad in Charleston, SC. But the people whom did that where very libertarian, because liberals rarely come out of the south, but educated conservatives tend to become libertarians. They believe that synths, and humans are alike, and that they both have inalienable rights, that the institute and BoS is trying to take away.
The Institute is conservative in my opinion, because conservatives have always fought back against what didn't match their ideals or values. The Civil War being an example, the current conservatives taking up Federal buildings and patrolling the Mexican border on their own, because they believe every other institution is wrong, and that they need to take matters into their own hands. Conservatives believe all their values are what's best for the world, even if the poor don't quite know it yet, Institute is the same way. The only discrepancy with this is their technology, by going through American history, conservatives have always been the least educated group, and the group that brings in the least income. Institute is very advanced, and they definitely have a cash flow. But their values are very self-oriented but delusioned to think it would serve everyone for the better. Conservatives believe if we pay the least amount of taxes possible, businesses and people will flourish. They think the middle class will increase their worth substantially just by following their values. It's the same damn mind-set to my opinion.
The fact that the BoS specifically mentions at one point that they want patrols watching over traders to make sure the economy can flourish, while also stopping any who don't abide by their ethics. That's a textbook populist right there.
The fact that the Railroad secretly manages all caravan trade in the commonwealth seems very libertarian to me, who feel every big business should be monitored closely to avoid corruption taking place.