Weekly rant about game mechanics and patch policy

Post » Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:37 am

Good morning,

yesterday I had a considerably "bad" experience with the settlement building feature, ontop of the tons of ofther bad experiences I had during the last 2 month. But yesterday it finally broke out of me, and rendered me raging about how messed up the whole feature is. I literally had to spend more then 90 minutes, to fill a gap of 5 meters in between two walls the way I wanted it, trying a multitude of different piece combinations. I freaking hate it how this stupid feature won't allow to build things conveniently and without hassle. If you pull The Sims, then please do it correctly, or not at all. I'm a modder, I can do whatever I please regarding quality, because it's entirely free, but you've already made millions of dollars, and 100 of those dollars came from me. And before anyone even starts, no, I do not drop the building feature, because it is given to me to be played. Period.

Now let's disassemble what's wrong.

1. models not being allowed to be intersected into each other. Why? No seriously, why? The whole world consists of overlapping models. Does it crash the game? No. Is any one bothered that they are stuck into each other? No. Why do you restrict pieces in the workshop to be put into each other? Because it wouldn't work on your damn consoles? You can not build conveniently because pieces tend to either snap when they shouldn't, snap into directions they shouldn't be allowed to be snapped, or don't snap because they repulse each other like a set of equipolar magnets. Did you guys even figured how stupid this is during BETA testing? Did you BETA tested at all? Import a freakin key that lets us manually turn on/off snaping!

2. pieces floating in mid air? Where is a simple check for air underneath pieces, which disallows for building? I mean, Minecraft has it, Sims has it, I believe even Frostfall had it, why your product hasn't? Pieces floating in mid air, seriously? Without physics that make them drop? Why can I freakin build a complete line of wall in mid air, but am not allowed to build two pieces of one and the same set of walls intogether to the direction I want to give it?

3. every single piece has to be repetitively checked against each other piece for functionality repetitively. Yes, that's true, you have to go through this martyrium over and over again, because it is completely random how pieces fit together. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they snap, sometimes they don't. All so often you guess you finally made it, just to figure a minute later that something else is messed up. Example: one and the same piece put into place, no other piece whatsoever placed in the area around, taking it again renders it unplacable in the same spot again! The same piece, in the same spot! I couldn't fudging place it there again for no appearant reason. WTF! seriously.

4. browsing through the menus for ages. I'm using Alternate Settlements, so I'm not supposed to hold you responsible for the additional amount of browsing, but even without Mod, browsing in the workshop menu is a pita. Specially because you do not have any indicator whatsoever which pieces fit together and which don't. Where is a favorize menu, that allows me to put often used pieces into this favorit menu to be used when I need them?

So far for the Workshop, but to make it clear, there are tons of smaller issues with the feature that I do not mention here, I just pointed out the most annoying. Let's continue with the keys. What did you improve during the last copple of updates? Want to tell us? No? Well, then I'm going to do it. You literally just shoved two key variables inside the controlmap.txt around, to create the illusion of controling hapiness.

You're making fun of us here, right? No seriously, I'm entirely sure you're mocking the PC community, leftys and arrow key players with this unfunny joke. How does that help in anyway with the freakin key setup?

How do I even know as user that doesn't use a controler, what a left thumbstick is? And how do I know which key on my keyboard gets controlled by the left thumbstick? Oh wait, fortunately I know how to interpret the controlmap.txt to figure, but what about the 10% of leftys and arrowers that can't? Why no fix for the reserved keys? Why are they reserved to begin with? As the maker of RotAK Mod I understand there is no, other then restricting control on controlers, which completely affects keyboard controling for said 10% minority of players on PC in a negative way. The two keys you reserve, are two of the main keys I'm using since the days of Morrowind.

Where is the capability to rebind keys for the workshop and pipboy? 50 keys+ and we're allowed to rebind only 20? You know that arrow key players can't even play the game in workshop menu. It's not like they can't do it conveninetly, no, they entirely can't play it because if we reassign the movement keys to arrows, it's the same keys that are used to browse the workshop! Where is the damn fix for this? I mean, I fixed it for me, with a Mod. Being forced to use a Mod in order to even be capable of correctly playing the game because you, even after the third patch, completely refuse to fix it, is a utter embarassment for you as company.

It does not necessarily matter how much I love the game, or how awesome the rest of this game is, because those two things ruins all the other gameplay content to a point I was about to try for a refund yesterday. You outright ignore the fact that it was PC players that made your company, it was us that lifted you to the heights that you are, you fudging owe us, and this time around you owe as good, because you fudged it up good. Fix the damn keys and the workshop please, it became entirely unbarable, or, entirely quit support for PC community. If you do this as punishment for the payed Mod disaster, know this, I wasn't part of it, and as far as I can tell, most of the veterans weren't as well, you punish us with your current policy of pacthing and ignorantly treating PC gamers, it's a disgrace and an embarrasment. Fix the keys, fix the workshop, it's about time you give me something more then an ALPHA for the 100€ I've payed you!

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Post » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:12 am

I totally agree with everything. I just wasted hundreds of Hours to make different Combinations with Objects and i never could make it like i want. I already use some Mods like:

- http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1267/?Place in Red

- http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4640/?SpringCleaning

Its funny how those little Mods can improve the Settlement Feature that good. The current System is so unoptimized and iam just wondering if we see ever any Improvements from official Site in that Direction.

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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:42 am

Your post contains too much speculative, antagonistic (and sometimes entitled) opinions for me to take it seriously as a critique.

Nobody cares about "rants". They're not helpful and give people an impression of you that you probably don't intend.

Other than that, interesting thoughts.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:08 am

Yes, please remember https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon: "Don't assume malice for which can be explained with stupidity".
I don't for a second believe they would that petty, they just svck :)

And as with Skyrim, i expect improvements only from a User Interface overhaul mod.
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Darrell Fawcett
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