» Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:49 pm
I don't think it's laziness. I think it's just how the engine or game world is set up. That water layer has been there since Morrowind. However, in Morrowind, it was just a single layer everywhere. If you wanted water, you had to bring the land down to it. That meant all bodies of water were at sea level. For Oblivion they added the ability to adjust the sea level on a cell by cell basis. That allowed for bodies of water at different elevations. By Skyrim they added flow to the water that could be changed in each cell. Now suddenly the rivers weren't just stagnant ditches full of water. It was still an entire cell at a time, though. That's why you get spots in the rivers where the direction of the flow seems off. That's also why there are so many waterfalls. To change the elevation of a river, they had to have a series of cells with descending water levels. The disconnect between cells was then disguised by animated waterfalls.
So far I haven't really seen anything in Fallout 4 to suggest any major changes since Skyrim. I could be wrong, though.