The output of settlements is based on happiness, so if you are still leveling up and water to sell and adhesive to make for use is still something you'd like to have available, then the happiness number being high is of some benefit.
If turrets have been damaged and need repair they don't add into the total defense, so it becomes a vicious cycle where you don't repair your turrets or your defense posts aren't manned because defenders die and the defense number drops below the combined food and water, and then the likelihood of attacks increases, and so attacks come faster and the defenses drop faster, and as that happens the happiness drops and the production drops, and then the settlement as a whole drops, all the while becoming more and more a nagging pop-up nuisance.
If you are willing to just let your network of settlements go, it's no problem, but if you think you'd like to have the network up and running, then the maintenance is at the lowest level when things are working best.
Again, once you have enough caps to just buy more of whatever, it might not matter any longer unless it affects the minutemen faction somehow.
I have found some shortcuts, such as, having one rather large settlement, like Graygarden, or Finch Farm ( Which both come with a built-in trader ), being the only one you ever have an active beacon located at ( and obviously not active all the time ), and every once in a while you can just stop by and use the Move command to send settlers to another settlement that has lost some settlers in an attack.
This allows you to ignore attacks and just make a note of which settlement you might want to check and repair the defenses on later, and if needed, move a settler if a guard or two died defending or a farmer was caught in the crossfire. This system also allows you to store all the weapons and armor you might outfit settlers with at your Beacon settlement so you can outfit and move the settlers whenever replacement guards or farmers are needed to match the defenses and food resources.
There is nothing that forces a player to maintain a settlement, and in my case several have been stripped of all resources and had all beds removed, causing nothing to attack there and no exclamation mark to ever appear in the pipboy settlement list. In the case of the Red Rocket station, Sunshine Co-Op and the Drive-In by Drumlin's Diner trading post I never set up anything in the first place and only used those for materials at other locations.