Hi everyone, I've got a question I hope someone can answer for me. I've googled and searched through mods and even asked Bethesda support, but no one seems to want the same thing I do.
Basically, I want to be able to go into the free camera (using the console command tfc) and then lock the camera to a certain point and regain control over my character. I know that while you're in free camera mode you still have some control over your character (you can jump, crouch, reload, and put away weapons) so how do we go about gaining total control? Is it even possible?
I'm not sure whether this should be a general question or one for the modding community, so I'll post this question there too. When I asked Bethesda, their response was 1. We don't recommend the use of console commands and 2. Ask the forums.
My personal experimentation with this has been fruitless thus far. The closest I've come is using player.tc to remove control from my character and then using TargetID.tc to take over some other character, although this still leaves much to be desired. For example, I have no idea if I can make that character get into (or, for that matter, out of) power armor, I can't equip that character's weapon, I don't have full directional control of them, and I can't direct where they're looking. Push comes to shove, I think I can make it work, but I would prefer total control.