Hey everybody
You all know the jokes about romancers of a certain companion like doing it with "robots", the ingame tales of family members being replaced by synths for a long period of time... it made me wonder, just how much "biology" is in a synth? Synthetic does not equal "made of metal and/or plastic" after all, given we've already developed synthetic beef steak, which is for all intents and purposes "organic".
Aside from sixual intercourse (unless they focus infiltration on particularly loveless relationships) of course; really basic biological necessities being absent would be bound to raise suspicion eventually, wouldn't it? Actually using the potty after all requires a multitude of functions to happen inside one's body (in case you're still with me), so they couldn't have just stopped at an acccurate, soft "exterior hull", could they?
The loading screen tooltip claims of course Gen 3s being virtually indistinguishable from humans, but I just felt what's stated ingame and among the community is often conflicting. My personal interpretation would be that of the synthetic beef, i.e. perfectly human inside and outside; except that bio matter was crafted, rather than grown naturally by conception.
Thoughts? Or maybe the game delivers a perfectly thorough explanation and I just missed it?
P.S.: I know there is lots of potential for terrible misuse of terms in the post, for which I apologize in advance and hope it still got my point across.
P.P.S.: I would still not romance said companion, yet because they strike me as virtually an infant. My feelings are fatherly/brotherly, and romantic thoughts feel exploitative. But that's just me being myself, no judgement intended.