In mid-late play through you have a ton of keys and passwords cluttering up your Misc inventory. This makes finding Holotapes and such a pain. I would like all keys and passwords to be put on a key ring and clutter the Misc category no longer.
In mid-late play through you have a ton of keys and passwords cluttering up your Misc inventory. This makes finding Holotapes and such a pain. I would like all keys and passwords to be put on a key ring and clutter the Misc category no longer.
And seriously, the "mods can fix it" attitude is beyond getting old; how about we hold the people who actually sold us the game accountable for it's shortcomings, and quit relying on some armchair game designers with a lot of time on their hands to fix the glaringly obvious issues.
Mods are great, but I dinna buy this game from a modder. That's what Kickstart's for.
As much as I love this game, and I do, I really wish there was a key ring.
X1 user here. So I am SOL when it comes to mods.
Ditto. I'd really like the MISC tab sorted.
Yeah, or make a special section for holotapes, maybe in the data tab. And btw the keyring was in Fallout 3 as well.
I must admit i expected one to be in it, it seemed strange when it wasnt since it was an excellent feature in new vegas.
I agree and much as I hate to admit it, that was something FONV did right.
To be fair, I haven't needed to look up holotapes much other than the first time I use them. The only ones I would need to re-use are those RobCo game cartridges. But I rarely do that on the PC. I play them only on the smartphone Fallout app, which has a separate section for Robco games.
Yep. The messy misc. menu is one of the biggest annoyances I have with FO4. Really hope they add in a fix for this sometime soon.