I want to see a gun similar as in just as fun, to the K9000 Cyberdog. I'd also like to see the Chinese Assault Rifle or AK-47 variant. I'd also like more types of Power Fist's. Just add more crafting options to go along with the heated and puncturing ones. I also don't expect it, but I'd be happy with a .223 pistol.
service rifle from NV
would be happy with just that, plus mods to keep it current.
otherwise there is a metric [censored]tonne of guns both real and not that i would love to see in game
I'd prefer to see more original gun designs or at least bring back some designs from the first two Fallouts before copying over more real-world guns wholesale... but I think these guns would fill in the gaps in Fallout 4's arsenal well enough:
5.56 Revolver - based on That Gun from the original Fallouts and New Vegas
.45 Pistol - with the same modding capabilities as the 10mm Pistol, but a better automatic pistol while leaving the 10mm as the better semi-auto
Lever-Action Rifle - harder hitting and slower firing than the Hunting Rifle
Normal looking Assault Rifle - I like the current design, but yeah it would have been better off just being called a machinegun
Pump-Action Shotgun - to bridge the gap between the Double Shotgun and the Combat Shotgun
Pipe Shotgun - to complete the pipe gun assortment, plus add a shotgun that can be modded into a crude pistol
Grenade Launcher - something that essentially works just like the Broadsider, but not an admittedly cool naval cannon
Pulse Gun - energy weapon dealing electrical damage, as modifiable as the Plasma or Laser Gun
Tesla Cannon - takes Fusion Cores, can be modded to either fire chargeable single shots, or a continuous beam of destruction
I hope to see the following
Chinese assault rifle
damage: 25
ammo: 30
type: 5.56
mods: barrel, under barrel, muzzle, stock, receiver, scope
info: only matched by the pipe weapons in modiblity the Chinese assualt rifle boasts a unique mod slot called under barrel, from here the player can attached either a gp-30 like 40mm grenade launcher, under barrel shotgun, or under barrel tesla arc. (under barrel weapons are swapped to by holding the grenade/melee key and replace the grenade throw, they act as a semi auto weapon and have variable ammo.)
Grenade rifle
damage: 100
ammo: 1
type: 40mm
mods: barrel, receiver, stock, sight.
info: used to lob grenades at long range, lighter then a fatman or junk jet and does more damage to. the grenade rifle only has one shot but its receiver slot can be upgraded to a pump mode for most of its versions this ups its ammo count to 4 rounds.
pump action shotgun
damage: ???
ammo: 8
type: shotgun shell
info: yeah why don't we have this, come one half of ammerica owns one of these babies and the other half lives with in at least half a mile of some one who does.
p90- cause it exists in fallout and is epic.
I'm happy enough with the overpowered weapons we have.
What i WOULD like to see is something that looks, feels, and sounds NICE to use.
Agrees. We actually don't need any new weapons, because either they have to be better than we already have or worse (but then no one will use it, I assume you will always use the best fitted weapons depends on situation).
I think that's actually something Bethesda managed to evade with the weapon modding system - different weapons can be modded to serve different purposes, and upgraded enough in power to stay useful throughout the entire game. That's why I think they should on identifying and filling in the roles that the vanilla arsenal doesn't completely fulfill, or adding alternatives that stand out from existing mods. Plus, the DLC will no doubt add exciting new Legendary effects for the new guns to sink their teeth into.
If they decide to do a Memory Den DLC it would be a perfect way to introduce chinese weapons, possibly the stealth suit as well. If they do some underwater stuff I would like to see the harpoon gun.
I don't want a WW2 weapon and modern weapon (have already seen too much in other game), i want more futuristic weapon look, and a antimaterial rifle, after all the game are conducted in year 2277, stop old weapon in futur world
And for WW2 weapons, modder could take charge without problems, they have already done on Fallout 3 and new vegas.
let bethesda make somthing new, not something new with old
Meh, I'm ok with the Vanilla weapons. I'll be using mods anyway and I always end up finding a favorite weapon that's not a Beth original. I'd prefer they just fixed the game instead of adding more fluff. If anything, I just want actual Fallout elements added in DLC, including the classic Fallout weapons.