Isn't it counter-intuitive to degrade PA, but not regular...

Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:59 pm


If anything, since regular armor isn't as tough as PA, it would probably degrade faster.

And of course, if we have degrading armor, shouldn't we most likely also have degrading weapons? This of course leads to the idea that Repair should be reintroduced into the game. Or take PA degradation out.

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:30 pm

PA degredation is part of it's "balance" due to getting supper abilities with it like being able to jump from a skyscrapper. I also find it's part of the limited games economy.

Also unlike regular clothes/armour it does make sense to be able to fix it with components. Player armour there's so much of it they wouldn't need to repair it.

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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:10 pm

Buuttt they would have to replace it. Then again, look where most armor is gotten: off of the bodies that have often been thoroughly ventilated. Just how good would that armor be after that much trauma? (And we won't even mention the fact it seems that with the exception of Supermutant armor, one-size-fits-all.)

It just strikes me as odd that the super-duper tougher-than-steel armor can take damage from a radroach attack while the hodge-podge made-from-scraps armor is impervious to damage from even a mininuke blast.

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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:32 pm

taking out repair was great, such an annoying mechanic.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:07 pm

Aside from melee weapons the guns shouldn't need repair. I agree that normal armor and clothing seems nonsensical though because the wear and tear of travel and combat would degrade their condition far more than power armor.

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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:44 pm

purely balancing mechanic

PA is way more powerful than normal armour, way higher DR, increased str, no falling damage etc etc etc and you get it right at start of game

to balance this out (a bit) you require fuel for it and it takes damage

have always hated repairing of arms and armour, but especially so in beths Fallouts just because the very first shot you fired instantly degraded your weapon to doing less damage, was stupid

NV system was so much better and i could have handled that in 4. but no repair as we have in 4 (except PA) is infinitely better

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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:35 pm

I agree and thank those for the rational reply that regular weapons other than perhaps some melee would need either none, or almost no repair whatsoever.

I don't know how the OP battles, but if there was a more realistic system there wouldn't be any damage to the armor of the enemy I saw that had the armor I wanted, I just wouldn't be able use the helmet. The OP also admits it's also one sized fits all, so they admit it's not realistic.

There are tons of things that aren't realistic in Fallout, and things in the past that have been removed that were accepted that were also not realistic.

If people played Fallout 4 like a video game, and some of us do, all we'd hear was how great it was to play.

I sometimes wish they'd bought the I.P. so they wouldn't get sued and then pulled a Blizzard WOW move and tweaked the world just a little so no one could harp about how it's not what they think it's supposed to be, when the truth is that it is what it is, and since they do own the I.P. what it is, is whatever they want to make it.

I mean just think of all the pain Blizzard would put up with having to suffer hearing about all the things they didn't get just right about the Chaos Marines, or the Tyranids if they hadn't done what they did with Warcraft and Starcraft.

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:14 pm

I am reminded of a stat from back during the Vietnam War. The M60 Patton Main Battle Tank was the backbone of US forces there. However, on average, the tanks needed to be hauled in from the field for a major overhaul less than every 100 miles traveled in the field. The tank's serviceability was so poor that all the M60s that sold/gave to Israel were immediately sent to the Motor Pool to be stripped all the way down to nuts and bolts and then rebuilt. Most were rebuilt by the Israelis as the Magach variant.

Now I am contemplating an armor design that if anything, is likely to have even more wear and tear from simple use. Add in combat damage and the SS should have to hire some kind of armor transport vehicle wherever he goes.

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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:03 pm

Uhm, they did buy the IP. FO3/NV/4 trace back to an GOTY Interplay game titled Wasteland. One of the first open world RPGs. Unfortunately for Interplay, in the development/publishing shuffle it lost the rights to the title. Plans to create a sequel were shelved and instead reworked Wasteland to make Fallout. Again it proved so popular that it was followed by FO2 and Fallout: Tactics. Interplay fell on hard times and again lost the rights to the franchise to EA. Several years passed and finally Bethesda acquired the rights to produce the game. Bethesda was sort of bound to keep fairly close to the storyline established in FO and FO2. So much of what has been happening in FO3, FONV, and FO4 is to expand not just world -- taking FO from the West Coast to the East Coast -- but also in flora, fauna, people, groups, et al. Still there's A LOT of North America that we haven't seen yet, which gives Bethesda A LOT of wiggle room to alter Post-Apocalyptia.

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