I keep two in storage in the Red Rocket and one in Jamaica Plain...
One (BoS) I wear.
My heavily enhanced Minuteman T-45f is in Sanctuary.
And the prize - definitely the kewlest one of all - is my T-51f rig, painted in the Railroad flat-black colours.
Oh, my. Gorgeous! It is kept inside the Railroad HQ, where I just stare at it (like it's a fabulous rare automobile or something) heheh...
Plus, I keep my X-01 rig in Diamond city.
It seems many players have never even seen a Railroad T-51. Hence this post!
And (if you like power armor) you've gotta love the Atom Cats, they're the best.
They sell T-45, T-51 and T-60 pieces - and sometimes even X-01 too.
Tell us about your power armor setups, likes and dislikes, etc.
Are they not too common (and inexpensive) in FO4?
Shouldn't Beth have made them more exclusive, more precious? More rare and expensive?
Soon I'll have every guy manning the barricades at my settlements wearing a set, LoL.
Why not? Money is good for nothing unless you spend it... right?