Turn hostiles robots to friendly companions (PC)

Post » Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:22 am

This is not a mod you can download, but rather some console lines. There are mods on Nexus site yes, but right now there is no official support of adding any mods yet. I got some nice robots, but there are some issues. We have the Robotics perk, let you hack hostiles robots into friendly ones. Problem is, robots may turn hostiles to your settlers and present Brahmins. Specially the Assaultrons. I tested stuffs today and I'm pleased. Now I can have Asaultrons to guard the settlements.

Console commands how to make a companion (it does have access to inventory). This is ahttp://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3491770-turn-hostile-enemies-into-companions/to Nexus forum. Problem is, you cannot dismiss the thing, only ask to wait. Meaning, the AI consume memory since the robot is online. After several tests by me, here are the console lines how to make a friendly Assaultron hackable (as the Robotics perk says, you can shut it down if you want). Remember to click on robots in console so you can see ref. ID. before even try "tai" command....

>Tai (Disable Ai)

>Removefromallfactions (hostile npc have their own faction)

>Addfac 0001C21C 1 (player faction, you need to find your player faction by using >help player 0 - just scroll up a little)

>Addfac 00068043 1 (Minutemen faction, use ONLY if youre on friendly term due to MQ lines). To be sure Assaultron do not attack MM settlements or other friends.

>Tai (Enable Ai)

When other factions turn hostile against MM (above) the Assaultron will act. It was the idea at least. Anyway, the Assaultron can free to move itself in Sanctuary without any mess :-)



Many thanks to the posters who did the wiki and readme at Nexus and other sites.

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yessenia hermosillo
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