So I've been trying to teach myself how to use blender to model stuff, and predictably enough I've hit snags which I can't seem to google my way out of. I thought I'd make a single thread which I (and anyone else) can use to ask blender-related questions rather than spamming the forums with lots of questions.
First issue!
I want to create a version of the vanilla MW Daedric pillar mesh with a flattened head (see the second screenshot below to see which mesh I'm talking about). I go into blender 2.49, drag the vertices around as needed and it looks like this: I don't know what the lines hovering above the flattened mesh are, but they aren't edges because they don't select with edge mode and they don't seem to have vertices of their own (in the top left side), so I can't move them. Since the mesh looks ok in blender with texture view, I figure those lines are just weird invisible things like collision and export the nif. I selected the 'no animations' and 'morrowind' options on the export menu.
When I opened it up in the editor, it looked like this: I.e. the same as the normal vanilla mesh, as if my transformations had been completely nullified. I don't know why -- was it those weird not-edge lines which refused to move? Did I screw up while exporting the mesh? I don't know -- please help! I've tried google, but I don't know what those line things are called so no use so far.
I'm also trying to build a sword model from scratch -- I'll post it up for feedback later.