Yeah, there aren't many people who play DND any more these days. Years ago it was quite popular and it brought forth quite a few games too (Eye of the Beholder series or Unlimited Adventures are just a few examples.). I still have 2nd edition books though

I still have most of my books and figures. It would be impossible for me to play D&D as an advlt with a job and responsibilities, though, especially without friends who'll consistenly play it with me. One of my former D&D buddies lives 200 miles away, for instance.
I'm actually okay with this, though. Bethesda/TES is a damn-good substitute for D&D, so far as basic looting and combat goes. IT's
all the other stuff in D&D that's missing from Oblivion that I miss. The hundreds (thousands?) of odd creatures, underwater and aerial combat, rules for dozens of miscellaneous things...saving throws, etc.
I'm constantly comparing D&D to Oblivion, which isn't fair, really, but I can't help it.