shooting a bolt action is very awkward can someone please fix
the left handed bolt
lifting the gun to reload & leaving aim down sights view. change to stay aimed down the sights and reload.
scoped weapons use the entire screen, the giant (+) is way too arcadey.
would it be possible to replace to a aim down sights with the zoom only in the scope lens?
like the red dot sight, but with the zoomed in image on the scope lens.
those are the big 2 on my mod wishlist, some other interesting ideas...
semi-auto receivers, leaver receivers, revolver receivers, single shot (like USSR & gremanys WWII anti-tank rifles), bipods, bullpup stocks (better moving accuracy, less sway, bad recoil and accuracy) mad-minute style shooting (index and thumb on the bolt, pinky operates the trigger), bullet drop, IR scope and flares, stop saying the .50 is anything other than the .50BMG it's a shameless cop out.