Hey everyone. I know a lot of us are aware of the bugs with Tina De Luca. She's supposed to be recruitable after completing the Dependency quest. She's bugged though, and if you cure Bobby she'll keep talking about how she can't wait to go to your settlement but she'll never actually leave. If you choose the violent dialog options while talking to Bobby, he'll turn hostile and you'll end up killing him. This for some reason allows you to recruit Tina and actually get her to a settlement, but remains bugged because she wouldn't talk.
Well...a little bit ago, she spoke lol
I've had her at Sanctuary now for at least 200 hours of gameplay and she has never once spoken a word. I could bring up the trade screen with her and assign her to tasks like any other settler, but she'd never speak. Now suddenly when I talk to her she says the same things that she says while still in Vault 81. "I can't wait to get out of the Vault and see the Commonwealth" and other such lines.
This doesn't seem as if it was 'fixed' unless the bug was only fixed for people who have not yet recruited her. This isn't mentioned in the patch notes, but did it sneak in somehow? Has anyone else seen this?