Took a 2-year break from Skyrim due to burnout, and the FO4 CK is taking forever to release... So I'm rebuilding my Skyrim load order and getting it back up & running. While Doing this, one of the big things I've never done is used a good magic overhaul & spells mod. I'm not using any major game overhauls, but am using Kryptophers mods.
I've settled on using "" as a base mod to uncrap-ify the default magick system, and I'm considering adding "" & ""... My only thing was that I didn't want to overwhelm myself by adding (-/+)300 new spells to the game. Also balance & spell overlap was something I was concerned about. I don't want god-mode spells, just ones that aren't total crap compared to a character who forges/enchants/upgrades there own melee equipment.
More importantly, how are these three mods for those that have played with them? Do they work together decently well? As far as I can see they're compatible with one another.
As for Enchantments... I was going to use "" for an enchanting overhaul, how does it compare to Mighty Magick Skyrim's enchanting system or "["? Also"" to uncrapify shouts.. As far as I'm aware they'll all play nice with one another with proper setup in load ordering and MCM Menu configs.... Though MadCat's comment it looks like Mighty Magic & Dragonborn Ascendant conflict to some degree.