Okay, so I downloaded the offical patch a day ago. I'm playing my game, doing my purified water runs. A minutemen quest auto completes. And when I'm in the caste, I get the quest
... Huh. I never recall getting this quest before, and I've been playing countless minutemen quests. Must have been added by a patch.
Turns out, the quest has you defending the Artillery at (settlement) from the Brotherhood of Steel (I sided with the instutute in my current run, and right now it's just before airship down). It's basically a "defend the settlement" quest but with the BOS as the antagonist and a specific objective.
Again, I've never gotten this quest before on any other run, and on all the other runs I've sided against the BOS (either with the Institute or the Minutemen.)
This quest carries some... *interesting* implications, but I'll save those for another thread.
Has anyone else noticed this? Has anyone gotten this quest before the recent patch? And more importantly, has there been any more "additions" like this?