Sorry if this has been answered, but I couldn't find it here or anywhere else. I have been playing since Christmas, now on Level 21. I have pretty much equally spread all my level ups across SPECIAL. Only last week did I realise that you do not need to fill the "Top Row" before actually assigning perks. (I thought that once the top row filled with stars, the next ones would go into row 2)
I chose my first perk yesterday V.A.N.S. At the moment I have no idea what that does, apart from a green line in VATS, but I'll suss that out.
My problem is.... I have lots of Perks showing (not silhouetted, or grayed out). I wanted to get the ? Local Leader perk to start supply routes, but I don't know how. I am not home, but i think I have 8stars at the top column, but every perk is not selectable - I'm playing on XBox One, and the only options are LB prev perk, RB next perk, or exit. I don't know if there was another option when I selected VANS - I'm not sure how I selected it.
I know this is probably really simple, but I am completely befuddled, I have tried every button (I think), and cannot select/assign any other perk. I am sure i am missing something so obvious, so please don't flame me, but I am stuck! Unless I don't have enough points, but nothing on the top row? Or is it that the "star" has to be placed into the box when levelling up?? Have I wasted all my stars so far? I did vans as I leveled up to 21.
Many thanks, sorry