I built the 5 different stores and assigned 5 settlers to them but only the one on food and drink works, the others i press them ad they keep wanting to trade gear only, the barter option will not come up. How to fix this?
I built the 5 different stores and assigned 5 settlers to them but only the one on food and drink works, the others i press them ad they keep wanting to trade gear only, the barter option will not come up. How to fix this?
What time is it in-game? they only do business for like 10am to 6pm
I've tried at all times, only food and drink works, the others can be st the store and will not bring up barter option
I've had this issue at Oberland Station. It had something to do with how close the stores were to the edges of the floors I was putting them on. I had this idea of building a deck at the steep edge of the site with the stores on the deck. It didn't work.
When I moved the stores to some plain dirt, the settlers I assigned to them immediately moved behind them and started behaving like vendors.
I had that too. I just put a scavenger station near the stores, send the settler to scavenging station. After it says it is assigned I send them back to the store. It always worked. I hope it does the same for you.
Thanks I might move them to flater terrain, maybe that is the cause then try reassigning options next
There are random settlement bugs floating around.
My shopkeepers generally do not seem to get new stock and replenished cap for at least 4 game days. My shopkeepers at Outpost Zimonja have refreshed their stock or caps for a very long time. I have gained over 7 levels and there has been no change at Zimonja.