Very cool video. I don't have the stamina to create something that epic lol. I do hope they don't fix the scrapping for bigger settlements exploit though as that would be a real shame and probably put me off the whole feature as the cap doesn't even let you build a smidgen of what you have accomplished.
If it wasn't for Twitch and the people who kept me company there I'd probably not have had the persistency to build this either. I hope so too, because I do plan on building more, but first I need a break from the whole building mechanic haha!
i wanted gameplay to load normally in my santuary, as a result i actually toned back MASSIVELY on my build. i would have undoubedly done something like this and nearly had each house to that level, but just one smallish building and a single room structure in the tree. so far the settlement i went the farthest over the inital limit with was hangmans alley, since theres not much room and even if you put down enough that it takes a bit to load there is very little impact on gameplay since its hidden by buildings and dont ever see that happen. i do love seeing some of these crazy scale builds tho..
im hoping the settlement limits mods get ported to consoles when mods come. i have a stupidly huge plan i will do for starlight..
btw what is the building at 14:29?
The mod for settlement limit will definitely not be ported, I have already encountered a couple of bugs (not mentioning 'cus spoiler) that arise from it. Also settlers seem to go total wonky in my base and end up standing on rooftops or simply standing somewhere not moving at all.
The building at 14:29 is a conference room and power armor storage. I like to refer to it as a castle.