I sadly am one of many that i've seen in threads or on youtube that are literally stuck in the Institute unable to fast travel or finish the game due to a glitch that makes you hostile for loading in "Nuclear Option"(railroad) with a targeting hud. I've been stuck 3 weeks now some people months. And now i see no fix in 1.3 , what the hell . All my saves are within the quest . Its as gamebreaking as gamebreaking can be . I was a lvl 79 with so much time in this game . They should disable what ever makes you considered Hostile and let me freaking fast travel / restart the quest. Or just push me and others like me to end game cut scene to continue from there. DO SOMETHING BETHESDA!!!!!!!!!!!Otherwise i'll turn my game into a 60 dollar coaster and turn that pic into my profile pic on here and never trust your broken , glitched out games again.