Anybody serve in the Guards (National or Coast) or any other service offering rescue/ or help in an emergency? How about survived a natural disaster or act of terrorism?
For 8 years I was a volunteer EMT with the village Rescue Squad and part of the Town Emergency Medical Services. My church also helped the local flood victims of Hurricane Sandy. Helping the victims of a natural or man made disaster recover can teach you a lot about the good and exceptional in a lot of everyday people, as well as the bad in some.
It is not easy to convey how this really feels through game play, but of all the helper/ rescuers and survivors of nearby natural or man made disasters in the global Fallout fan base, how many have memories that could make for inspiring and memorable moments in the FO franchise? Which could craft or suggest how to craft these memories into something that fleshes out the NPCs we help, or who ask our help?
Of all the gamers in the NYC area who eye witnessed the Sept. 11 Massacre from a safe distance, how many have the skill, the talent or even just the story to inspire game, DLC or Mod developers to craft something ground breaking memorable about the survivors and rescuers?
The iconic Katrina type helpless government dependent types would be generations ago extinct in a post apocalypse wasteland. Wouldn’t most wastelanders regard weakness as an invitation to attack or exploitation? Wouldn't most have the survival skill to come up with food and water, improvise a place to sleep?
How many fans and other gamers from NYC, London, Paris, Israel, Palestine, India, Mexico or the rest of the world had their lives touched by terrorism and/or natural disaster as a survivor or rescuer/helper and are good at conveying such experiences, or will relate and respond to a depiction that rings true to their experience?
Earth quakes, tsunamis, storms and floods, you name it around the world, how many gamers have good depictions of survivors who briefly needed a hand to rise the the occasion and be inspiring, that will resonate? For me some of the most lasting memories did not involve dialog, and I know I lack the communication skills and talent to do such experiences justice.
Often over hearing two or more people talking about something conveys more than having them tell you directly. Two people who lost someone can say little things to of sympathy to each other, maybe correct each other for taking their anger out on somebody who didn’t deserve it, apologize awkwardly because it is hard for them to do but they are basically decent.
Real world examples can be priceless and stick in your mind. They can influence how you feel about a community of people. Somebody tells a little joke or story to make somebody laugh. As with life not everything will be right for everyone, but if these actions make you feel better about helping NPCs, doesn’t that help a player want to replay or recommend the game, become a fan, help support something you want more of?