I had same glitch where I could not find him.
I actually had to reload my save and escort him manually all the way to the good neighbor.
Just go to the hotel and sit for 24 hours. He showed up outside the front door for me.
I kept him and sent him to Sanctuary instead- it took several days in-game for him to make the trip- He's slow as hell.
Me too. Who wouldn't want a walking talking beer fridge?
Give it some time. If he doesn't show up within 72 hours then he probably fell in the River (he did that once for me).
Chasing after him doesn't help and neither does looking for him. I have never been able to find him.
You really only have 2 choices: 1) Follow him and protect him (and it takes FOREVER!) or fast travel to wherever you sent him and wait for him. You can't do both.
I seem to remember that you said you followed him and got bored so you fast traveled. You may have just lost him forever.
The quest is bugged because on m first save he got stuck in this building at the bottom and every time I tried to shove him up the stairs in the right direction he just stops and then goes back down the stairs.
I have the quest active on my 2nd save character but ain't touching it atm.
hah sent him to spectacle island, now I have this mental image of him walking across the bottom of the bay, just slowly cruising along like Christopher Lambert in Highlander when he discovers he can't drown
lol I should try it.
I sent my to Sanctuary. Never followed him( I usually fastravell away after sending npc somewhere, helps to prevent enemies from spawining on their way). I think it took him 2 days to walk there. Build a bar, now he is always standing near that bar, sometimes walking around it. He is pretty handy in fighting, equipped with flame-throwers and lasers.
I think you can try to sleep somewhere for a couple of days and then check again.
The whole Trouble Brewin' quest is all kinds of [censored] up.
If you go and accidentally find Buddy before the quest "officially" starts, there's no way to complete it except to destroy buddy. He has no dialogue. That's where I currently am on it. I found and activate Buddy awhile back (just thought he was a goofy one-off protectron) and now there's noway for me to get him to go anywhere.
Terribly scripted quest.
Weird, I also found him before getting the quest, but it automatically started the quest for me and I sent him to my farm.