Finally been doing a survival play through(at lol 20 right now) and struggled a tad for the first few levels. Then I got an explosive double barrel shotgun drop. Everything changed - nearly everything died in 1 shot. Legendaries 2-3. And past that got overseers guardian and now the game is an absolute cake walk.
I bought/modded overseers guardian. While the explosive double barrel was nice it did have to be reloaded frequently and did't have all that much range. Overseers guardian? - pfft, you can shoot anything and everything all day from whatever range you mod it for. Also, .45 ammo is cheap enough and easy enough to come by. Use it in VATS = broken game.
I had crit banker/better Crits but just didn't even bother with it. I also got 2 ranks of demo expert, and again just quit using it. Hardly ever need to bother with it.
So my issue is this, I sank all these perk points into a combat system (2x demo expert, 2xcrit banker, 2x Better critical) and I hardly even use it. I do still use mines against mirelurks but everything else wilts before overseers guardian. Honestly, you get the right weapons you don't even need to worry about damage perks. I feel like I wasted those perk points that could've been spent elsewhere.
I know Bethesda doesn't have a history of rebalancing their games, but some specific weapons/weapon affixes are deluding the game experience because they are just vastly better. I know I could use other weapons but why do I have to gimp myself? As a gamer the key is always to find the best gear and use it as efficiently as possible - the 'reward' for doing so in this game is way too good. There still needs to be an element of challenge to it.
Maybe the game will get harder? But I know how these games go - as you level up you get more and more out of balance with the game world. I'm at level 20 and feel like nothing can touch me. :/