So far I can't decide between...
Bullseye Red
Bullseye Brody
Fixer Price
Fixer Brody
Basically he will be a very flawed character. Typically he will be war veteran who is a big meat head addicted to chems who will be forced into the role of saving the wasteland. He will use melee combat and automatic weapons to get the job done!
And If it helps, I can provide some reasoning behind the names and what they mean to my character. I relate my character to the Fixer codename not only as someone who fixes things, but the drug Fixer that was in previous fallout games. He would be known as someone who openly sold drugs during his military career to his fellow soldiers prior to fallout 4. Price would coincide with Fixer, as the Price of drugs and the Price of the lifestyle he is that's deep.
As for Bullseye i was thinking of not only a nickname for someone who always hits his target, but literally a Bull's Eye. You add Red to Bullseye and its a play on words for literally a Bull's Eye Red. And he will do a lot of charging while angry on chems making him almost like a bull!
As for Brody...Brody just sounds like the ideal name for a meathead, who doesn't take crap from anyone and bullies those that he deems worth bullying.
Essentially this character will great to roleplay as if only he had a name, so that's where i need help!
I really really like these names but i just can't decide...please help meeee!