Surprise! Fallout: Shelter is now available on iOS. Discuss here.
Surprise! Fallout: Shelter is now available on iOS. Discuss here.
No Andriod version. This means i can't play it.
Well it seems like a lot of fun from the first 10 minutes I played of it. Then it crashed. I guess it's going to be a little difficult to run on the IPhone 4s?
Why would you go with iOS, when it's got such a small market share? Waiting on Android.
While I wasn't entirely interested, I know people who would be and I find it sad that even on mobile Bethesda chose to ignore it's largest potential player base due to exclusivity(timed or otherwise).
I'll probably pass on this if it ever comes to Android, as I feel that doing some silly iOS exclusive is pretty poor form. You had my interest during the announcement, and squashed it all in the same instance. I'm sure it will do well regardless, but I won't be wasting my time with it at this point.
Seriously annoyed here. iOS really? Ignored a large portion of your game base to be nice with Apple? Wow a slap in the face that bad makes me not even want to buy Fallout 4, let alone preorder it.
PC and/or Android would be nice. I have an older ipod touch and a newer Android. I'm not buying an Apple thing to play this as much as I'd like to (overpriced and under powered).
Please port
So you may get an Android port in the future. It'll be too late for anyone I know, but it's hope for you.
I'm sure we Android users will get our version soon enough. No need to worry, it's probably just that the Google representative with the cash bag got lost in the wasteland.
Thoroughly enjoying it on iOS. Thanks for the surprise, Bethesda!
Also can you just add a button so I can get all legendary items and finish the game without enjoying it at all, just play the game and have fun, kids nowadays want everything served on a silver platter without the work.