Created an account just to give you guys a tip.
My game is crashing since saturday (08/15), lost already 5 vaults. Since yesterday i'm doing backups with the Vault1.sav file, and it works. Already crashed two times and i didn't lost my game.
So, if you wanna do it too, on android, everytime you close the game save the Vault1.sav file in "/android/data/com.gamesas.falloutshelter/files/". If you have more than one vault, save the Vault2.sav and Vault3.sav as well.
When the game starts crashing, reinstall the app and open the game once, do the first steps on the tutorial, close the game, and copy your backup file back to its original path.
I've no idea how to do this on iOS, sorry.
Hope it helps.
Good news, contacted Google following my guide and refund given. Also reported to Google the issue and is being looked into, I made them aware that there are unhappy customers with no way of getting there paid for content back at present.
Ok, you don't need to reinstall the app, just delete the corrupted Vault1.sav and use the backup.
While the developers dont give a [censored], sadly looks like we have to solve the problem by ourselves, even that it looks REALY annoying to make a backup every time you leave the game.
Yeah... But, at least for me, it's better than not playing at all.
I feel your pain, bro.
Please see the Google support e-mail and also note the developer e-mail address provided to me [email protected] :
Details of your refund and useful info
Hi Mr xxxx,
My name is xxxand it was nice to speak to you earlier, as discussed here are the details of your refund and some useful information.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with your purchase of Fallout shelter (3 in app items).
As a courtesy, I’ve refunded this order to the payment method you used to make this purchase, totaling £9.19GBP.
The refund should appear on your PayPal account within the next several days. You can get more information from PayPal Customer Support.
To check the status of your refund or to see which payment method was used for this purchase, please visit
Although we occasionally grant refunds for apps or in-app purchases, we expect app developers to provide support and refunds for their own products on Google Play.
If this isn’t your first problem with Fallout Shelter, I’d suggest contacting the developer directly for help here: [email protected]
If you’re experiencing repeated issues with Fallout Shelter or support from Bethesda Softworks LLC, I would encourage you not to make any additional purchases from the developer until you’ve reached a resolution with them.
While Google may sometimes issue courtesy refunds to users, developers are expected to provide support for their product - including delivery of in-app content - and they are able to issue refunds at their discretion.
Also, if you would like to file a complaint against a particular app or developer, you can do so here:
If I can help with anything else, please let me know. I'm always happy to help.
Kind regards,
They will gladly do the refund for you. Just explain to them you made the purchases and that the game has crashed and isn't working anymore... Google is very upset that Bethesda hasn't set up a way to get refunds directly through them yet and she recommended I report the developers to Google, especially since this is a new game. The lady on the phone said she doesn't want this app to keep ripping people off because I explained to her that I wasn't the only one with this issue and that Bethesda hasn't released a patch or a way to fix it.
However, I just called and got a refund for all of my in-app purchases for the game. Call this number, 855-836-3987. The call took me about 15 minutes, most of that was waiting for the lady to get approval from her supervisor to approve my refund. She said my refund will be back in a maximum of 10 days, normally it takes 3-5 days though (I used PayPal for my transactions). I hope this helps any of you seeking a refund .
Same for me Eeveemarie however it took less than 5 minutes, the agent authorised it straight away, got lucky I suppose with no approval.
I have exactly the same problem.
I was playing this very morning, enjoying the game as always, when suddenly my phone (Samsung Galaxy Ace4) crashed, the game freezed. I couldn't even turn it on again for next few minutes. It turned out that my battery somehow was down. 0% power. So I plugged my phone in, it charged a bit, I turned it on with no problem, but my Fallout Shelter is constantly crashing me out of the game everytime on Please Stand By screen. I hope this can be fixed. I don't care how long will it take if my savegames will be ok.
Is there any log or more information we can provide in order to help on investigations?
Seriously. It's been almost a week. Seems Droid users get the shaft with a lot of apps. Yes, I know people that will by a cat turd if it has an "Apple" logo on it, but being in the majority as an Android user, I would think more priority would be put on it's users.
Same problem here. Phone ran out of battery, and now the game won't load. The save file is 0 bytes.
Yeah I tested it again and it is definitely a problem with some of the guns and the wasteland.