I have learned through trial and many errors, that when your dwellers have a baby, your game will not let you back in. I am on my third vault, and the first time someone has a baby it crashes and I cannot get back in. I had one vault that I tried for about 10 hours to get back in and finally gave up. Now on my thrid vault I am running into the same issue. I have redownloaded the game, turned off the power and turned it back on, everything that I have found that you (game developers) have said to do. Nothing helps. I am running this on an iPad 2 (updated to 8. whatever iOS). I know that this is not the optimal system, but it runs fine until this point. When I click on the "enter vault ***" it will go to the loading screen, then black screen and back to desktop. Please help. I like this game and cant wait to play it!!
Thank you for your help in advance! 8)
EDIT: I have started over and redownloaded this game about 3 times now. I am on my 4th vault, and I still run into the same issue. When I have a window pop up in game (be it baby or daily vault rating) it takes forever for me to be able to log in. I was trying yesterday for 7 hours straight. I got a response from Bethesda, they told me to talk to Apple. So who knows what will happen with this bug.