ok i have been playing fallout shelter since it was released.
here are what ive noticed causes game crashes on my ipod gen 5
this list was generated by having 40 + dweller, below that the game does still crash but isnt un playable
1( and this is like 90%) "flourishes" the TA DA! moment when it tells you two people had six or a fire started or a baby was born or grew up. these additional graphics with the added sound overlay, does crash the game quit alot
this is also the culprit when the game wont load. whats happening is ontop of all the OTHER blinking rooms and dwellers now with added "resource harvesting" graphics overlayed on them. the game is also trying to have a TADA monement just as im logging in. this greatly overtaxes the little mobile device's processor
2( this is like the other 10% and i suspect may be tied to number 1 above) "rushing" a room. again just as the TADA monet of being successful or a failure happens the game crashes.
i recommend ( fully admitting my code writing skills are 0 and may be asking the impossible)
1 have the game load to the tiny screen ( the one where no one moves and you can see the whole vault in its smallest form) this would cut back on graphics hits on loadup
2 pause ALL TA DA moments untill after the game has fully loaded (say maybe a 60 second timer) before announcing babies or six or whathaveyou
3 have an option to turn off TA DA flourishes all together and just have the action happen without any interaction. i realize this would mean youd have to rename babies after they are born instead of the instant of, however this is more then fair trade off for game stability
would the rest of you that read this play your game and see if what ive noticed carries over to your expereince as well.
BTW a vault that wont load often will load if you patiently reppetitivly try loading it. ive succeeded several times by just re loading the vault a dozen or more times till it takes ( yes i know this isnt a solution. im merely pointing out your vault isnt "gone" or "bugged") what i think this is doing is slowly grinding through the flourishes i mentioned above until it finally loads. so some tips for gameplay.
1 dont quit before the six happens or if possible before babies are born. or before vault dwellers return form the wasteland ( unless its going to be so long you will get the cahnce to play again before they do.timing is key)
2 try to leave your vault in a state where only reclaimng resources will be the task upon your next startup.
again i know these arent awesome solutions, but they have enabled me to muddle through much longer then others have, or seem to want to LOL