» Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:06 pm
You can play with no connectivity, doesn't need to be constantly hooked to the network, but I have been wiped out three times today by invincible rad roaches, 15 to 20 dwellers a go with weapons, cap weapons, but 5 sawn offs and a hunting rifle should kill a group of roaches. Not kill that room then spread to every other room across the vault and murder everyone. I spend all of my time and resources trying to revive people, I can't build any bigger. Even if I could it can take me minutes to try and select a single person if there is an event. I have to zoom all the way in, hope they dont move or have three people stacked on top of each other. Even then I still wind up flinging the camera about because they won't select them. Or I do select them and they run and it deselect them. Want to get into a discussion, why do all events hit all of my dwellers in the room evenly, but I can only hit one enemy at a time? Why don't enemies have a life bar so I can see how screwed I am when one roach has killed 20 dwellers and still cannot be killed?