» Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:41 pm
i remember some freemium games, you could bypass the timers if you set your clock ahead, it somehow tricked the game into thinking the timer finished...but then if you set the clock back to the original time, you would end up in negative timer, and the timers would get set back however far you did it.
so a 5 minute timer could become a 20 hour timer that way.
like if you set it 20 hours ahead to complete training a stat from 9-10, and then set the clock back to the original time, it might sause all your rooms to have 20 hour timers(just a theory, i'd rather not test it myself)
many games can actually detect this "cheat"
i played some dumb ghostbusters game a couple years ago, and i tried to change the clock to quicken the timers and when i logged in, the game said "our ghostbusting equipment detected a temporal rip in your device, probably from chaging your clock, we were able to prevent loss of your items, this time, but if it happens again, you will be penalized"
i forget exactly what it said, it was humorous, and a little scary...that they not only knew i was trying to cheat but threatened a penalty if i tried it again.