I have and Xperia Acro S, and it's about 2 years old now, I know it has a flaw and it's not working 100% as it should, but I can launch every game and play. Some of the games can crash at random and some work like a charm. The most unstable game I've encountered is sadly Fallout Shelter. Other games I can play for a bit before they may or may not crash, but most often they run fine. With Fallout Shelter, it's a different story.....
The game menu and loading have never crashed, but as soon as the shelter has finished loading, it's all a chance of luck to be able to play for a while. It most often crash just as the shelter has been loaded, or just a few seconds after.
I've tried moving it from the "phone memory" to "internal storage" but it's the same on both places. I've stopped most of the services on the phone to minimize impact on the game, but it's still the same.
When looking at the game closely, it looks as if it makes a lot of short freezes, and it feels like the game is constantly checking on it's storage device or something else and have to halt a bit to get response.
I like the game and I would really want to be able to play it without having to get a new phone just for that, and if you have a debug/testing program to check what is actually happening in the device when it runs, my phone would be an ideal candidate to check for instability. Perhaps others crashes are related to the same coding, just that their phones are working correctly, but suffers an "overload" of information.