I have done a bit of research before I decided to see if there was any on the Bethesda forums who could help me out..
I have an Android, Sony Xperia Go, that I usually don't use for games bot rather as an actual phone.. (Wait.. what? Smartphones are PHONES too?!?!)
(heh, jokes aside..)
See, the problem is that, a few days ago I downloaded Fallout Shelter, since I am a huge Bethesda fan, and the Fallout game series is no exception. And a lot of my friends seems to be enjoying it...
But my problem lies in that, when I run the application, the game starts nomally and I get into the menu, chooses a new vault, vault number (both tried random and making my own), reading the "how-to"-guide (and tried skipping it) and then I come to a loading screen with the hazard-logo spinning like it should, hints showing and music playing in the background... Then it just cuts to black and I am sent to my starting-screen...
Anyone have had the same problem?
I tried to see if I could find the answer myself, but I could't... I have tried restarting the game, both from the "running-apps" window, restarting the game, restarting the phone, reinstalling the game and checking for phone updates..
Nothing seems to work?
So O' Great Magical Internet Wizardz and Forum-dwellers! Is there someone out there with the answer?