Anyone knows what to do? >_<
Can you show photo? it's interesting to see. And on what device you are playing?
I'm using the "new iPad" (iPad 3?). I'll post the screenshots but first I need help 'cause I don't know how to post them ^^U
I haven't tried that yet, it's in between rooms and it's a merged room (3 rooms merged) so I would want to avoid that if possible =S
I'm having this same issue with a three slot, maxed upgrade, power generator room. All Dwellers are 10-15% happiness because they believe that there is a corpse in the room but there is no corpse after resurrection.
If anyone has a link to an image where the issue is taking place, I'll forward it to our team.
In the meantime, you can also check to see if you have any dead dweller by clicking on the Vault gear in the top left corner of the screen.
http:// /a/ xdT9H <- I don't have permission to post links
3 room power plant fully upgraded. Nobody dead or on coffee break in the dweller list.