It seems a bit counter productive to have to eliminate a whole settlement to clear this quest. It has to be a bug as the quest states "Eliminate the feral ghouls". We already eliminated them to make the settlement, they do not respawn so we're forced to kill all the settlers to clear it. Makes no sense. Settlement locations need to be removed from this quest line.
Also in the current patch notes it stated that a fix was in place to stop a synth attack on the castle if you sided with the Institute. Does this apply to all settlements that synths should not be attacking if you sided with them? Because after the patch Sanctuary Hills was attacked by synths and I am sided with the Institute.
Not really that much of an issue so far, but X6-88 as a companion. I sent him to Spectacle Island, and he is there. Venturing around by Libertalia, I found him wandering there, thought do I have 2 of them now. Fast travel back to the Island he is there, but if I go back to Libertalia, there he is again.
Had an issue with Covenant where the dialog was glitched, no voice only subtitles, and would take a long time to get through dialog. Though this was pre and post patch 1.3 I noticed this. But it has since corrected itself.
Biggest thing is pest control, that needs to change.