Fallout shelters should add more NPCs like robots a Sentry bot could just be used as a guard a mr.handy bot could do as much work as 3 people and a protectron could be able to carry more stuff and also i got a idea that you could make it so all the human NPCs can only carry a certain amount of items when they go to the wastland and would have to lvl up to be able to carry more but protectrons don't have to be a high lvl to carry a lot of stuff and when they lvl up they could be able to carry much more easily. I also got the idea that you could add a few new rooms like a robot building area where you can build robots but you would need certain weapons and parts and also a building station where you can build armor and guns for all you NPCs but the robots would only take certain parts depending on their lvl like a sentry bot could start out with a mini gun but after while when it's a higher lvl it can get a gatling laser. You could also add a painting station where you can paint the robots to be all silver or look like military robots and make them look like they came from a nuka cola factory but they could also be rusted and would need to be repaired and painted to work at full power when they come to enter the vault you could also have a merchant come by randomly to sell you gear and robots also you could put in a robot repair room where you can make wires or metal every few minutes like stimpacks for robots and or have wires be like xp for robots and scrap metal health for them and you could also make it so that their more different kinds of disasters like ghouls attacking the vault or super mutants or sometimes even a death claw! you could also add enclave armor and enclave bots and the enclave bots could collect people like the radio station but you would have to send out the enclave bot into the wasteland and you could also add radiation leaks as a disaster when you fail to rush and you could also make it so that bloat fly could attack and also make it how bad it is when something attacks the vault like 3 lvls of severity like at lvl 1 their could only be 3 raiders attacking at lvl 2 5 raiders would attack at lvl 3 8-12 raiders could attack same for ghouls and super mutants and for death claws for lvl 1 they could be a normal death claw and for lvl to a stronger scarier one and lvl 3 could be a master death claw or alpha death claw and for super mutants at lvl 1 3 would come at lvl 2 5 would come and at lvl 3 a behemoth and maybe 2 super mutants and the bad things about super mutants is that they take vault dwellers away and death claws just go for people and ghouls to and make it so the more people you have the worser it usally willl be and if you could also add a strip club or something to boost happiness and if you see this and actually use any of my ideas Bethesda i would like to have credit thank you and have a nice day.