I feel bad for Bethesda a bit on this one, mainly because the release of Fallout Shelter strikes me as something that Bethesda did as a passion project, and now with a growing list of bugs it seems like they might be regretting letting this out into the wild. I think the biggest mistake they made in making FO:S was placing micro-transactions into the game, especially now that we now how pervasive and game wrecking some of the bugs can be. I see one of two possible outcomes. Either they will put out a few nominal patches and remove micro transactions (hopefully refunding some people or giving out free lunchboxes to those who spent money on dead end games). This option seems less likely. I would imagine that we will see more robust post-launch support, with micro additions to the game over time and the continued use of micro transactions to support the game.
I just get the sensation that Bethesda didn't want to commit any great amount of time or resources to this game, but now that it has become such a huge success, they can't really afford to just let these issues slide. I'm surprised at the prevalence of some of the bugs, because they seem like such obvious things to have happen (the pregnancy glitch especially. I'm surprised the devs didn't experiment with deleting and repositioning buildings prior to launch).