... which has an export option for both ios and android.
This means you can have one codebase for both operating systems. The guns, dwellers, rooms.... they all work. The only things you need to change for the game to work properly in both systems are some OS specific things (which are, of course easily found and replaced. For bigger projects this would be days work, max)
A few months? Hardly. But we all know what's really going on, which is Apple having a deal with them. It's no coincidence that they make a special mention of their "friends" at Apple. Meanwhile they are sitting on a fully functional Android version. And that's OK, it's a stone cold business out there, but it's a bit sad they have to lie about it.
In the meantime people are desperately trying to emulate. Which means emulating a mac that in turn emulates an iPhone. A bit like that movie, what was it called again? Sadly it won't work because of some architecture error.
I look forward to playing it, Bethesda, after that deal expires with Apple. After the very specific 2 months with no status change whatsoever. Let's hope you work out the bugs though!