They are not helpful in fixing the issue or issuing a refund. The Apple Store is not helpful if your purchase was more than 90 days ago, so if your like me and have been playing since day one in the same vault, your screwed when your vault goes belly up.
Its not a matter of if it will happen, but when. Everything I've read from this site, reddit and a few others shows that the game is literally designed to eventually crash/fail to load.
The 200 pop cap is supposed to prevent this issue, but in reality the cap should be around 150 since anymore than that and the game starts its downward spiral. Another contributed to this is excessive items. I had a max item cap of 480 or something like that, yet I was getting the almost full warning at 360 items. The closer I got to my limit the more glitches and shut downs would occur.
The radio rooms also cause havoc if you have a lot of them. I had 12 separate 1 space radio rooms with two maxed C dwellers each. On average I was getting about 8-11 new dwellers whenever I opened up my vault after about an hour of not playing. The crashing this caused was in heard of. Removing the rooms greatly reduced the game crashes and overall issues I was having.
There's other issues, but this is already too long for a PSA.
Bottom line, Bethesda knows what will and what won't hinder the game to function properly. They forced a cap limit of 200, and you can't make anymore dwelling rooms once you reach that cap. they could have done the same with with all the other rooms that cause stability issues.
Storage cap
Radio cap
Training room cap-all the dwellers moving about in the rooms causes a lot of sluggishness.
Limit on how many dwellers can be in the wasteland at one time-if you send all your dwellers to the waste your begging for a crash. I sent out 100 dweller once and could not recall them all with out opening the dweller menu and selecting them one at a time.
Alas my main vault I've been playing since day one has finally met its end at the hands of a lazy, FU give me money, flawed game design.
I warn you all. Bethesda does not care. Your money will not be refunded. Your vaults will not be fixed or magically restored in a hoped for patch that will never come. This is FO3/FONV on PS3 all over again, but this time on our mobile devices.
I wish Bethesda would prove me wrong and fix the hell out of this and the other 2 fallout games, but I know they won't cause they don't care and for that I say FU Bethesda. Keep fallout 4. I'm personally done spending my hard earned cash for half assed/ buggy as all hell garbage.
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