Room Stuck in Attack Mode

Post » Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:14 am

I have a power room stuck in attack mode. The incident alarm is sounding, there is a hole in the floor, the 6 dwellers in the room all have their guns out with health meters displayed but there are no Mole Rats or Rad Roaches visible and the dwellers are not shooting at anything. This has been going on since last night. I can’t bring explorers in that are waiting, I can’t send anyone out, can’t build anything, and can’t rush. Since this is a power room the power resources are being depleted by the attack and the majority of the vault is without power, I am basically stuck until this gets resolved.

I was playing the game while riding out of town with a friend and put the phone down when we stopped for dinner. The screen will stay on for 2 minutes so it’s possible I didn’t turn off the screen and the attack started unnoticed before the screen timed out which has happened multiple times. When I went into the game again all the dwellers in multiple rooms were dead and this power room was in attack mode with nothing to kill. The 2 dwellers guarding the vault door were also missing but their weapons are in my storage. It’s worth mentioning that between the time I put the phone down to opening the game again we passed from the Eastern time zone into Central time. Not sure if the game is sensitive to the time change of losing an hour or not.

So far I have force stopped the app, restarted the phone several times, I noticed there was an update for the game available so I tried that. Still in attack mode every time. I also tried saving the game to the cloud, uninstalling the app, reinstalling and loading the saved game. No change.

I have been playing the game daily for just over 2 months, have 19 floors, 53 rooms, 160 people (well 158 since 2 vanished) most of which are maxed on S,P,E, and L training some are maxed out on all 7, 20 of them are out exploring and can’t get back in. Not interested in starting over if this can’t be solved.

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Sheila Esmailka
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