» Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:22 am
The fact that Fee to play game does not exampt criticism on lack of challenge after short game play.
There are lots of free to play games that maintains high popularity on game rank by revenue chart even after years of playing. New contents and stages are added regularily to such games to maintain fun and challenge.
To the contrary, if FOS kept good challenge at later game, it would have stayed longer on popularity chart and sold much more Lunchbox than now. It could have sold 10 times number of Lunchbox.
Bethesda did not invest enough time and money to develop this title. Because they didn't expect it will succeed so much.
If they were more seroius about mobile gaming market, they should have paid more attention to this game, Then, game would have more contents and challenge, in turn, would have yield more revenue and profit for Berhesda.
It is good opportunity that was wasted by lack of vision of Bethesda on mobile game market.