Vault crashing and improvement ideas

Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:44 pm

So I run Fallout Shelter on an iPad mini 2, and I keep having issues with crashing. I originally started a vault - got to about the time on the game where you start putting your SPECIAL training rooms in and got to the point whereby everytime the game was started it would get to the screen where it says "enter vault ***" then when I click on that, it loads for about 15 seconds, the radioactive loading gadget stops spinning and it crashes. After getting frustrated not being able to play and potentially considering that it could be a save file error, I started a new vault. This time I have managed to get the S, P, E and I , training rooms built and being used and I'm annoyed to report now the same crashing issue has resumed at the same point as my other vault, every time the game is loaded. Preston Garvey has been out in the wasteland for 3 days now. I'm beginning to worry for his safety. Don't even mention Rambo and Rambina(my male and female characters I birthed and was INTENDING to train up in every S.P.E.C.I.A.L to make super-dwellers) They have been hard at the gym for a solid week.

But seriously, I'm so gutted about the crashing, and it svcks cuz I love this game and just want to play it all the time, so please sort in out Bethesda. I can't be the only one.

Also, 3 suggestions:

1. When your vault dwellers have a baby, you have to wait a few hours for them to become an advlt and thus useful. You should have an option to rush this process (as you can with resource rooms) and there should be like a 40% chance that rather than becoming an advlt almost instantly, that the child instead becomes a SUPER-MUTANT that's hard to kill and damages your resources) and that obviously means that you have to go through the process of getting dwellers to "dance" again in order to get a new baby.

2. When you have dwellers exploring the wasteland, and you summon them to return to the vault you should also be able to rush this process with a % chance that they either die in the wasteland, loose half the items found etc

3.If you send out more than one vault dweller into the wastes you should be able to get them to work as a squad increasing chances of finding loot, and surviving wasteland enemy attacks etc.
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Daniel Lozano
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